As you know, James Brown passed away over Christmas. He was a great musician, whose influence and legacy will reach far beyond our generation. Music historians will look back on his career and mark Brown's musical contributions as a lynchpin in the evolution of late 20th century music.
But. The man was a major league asshole. He seemed determined to provide a personal Yin to his artistic Yang. As anybody with loved ones who have been touched by domestic violence knows, violence is the gift that keeps on giving. It can take generations for a family to rid itself of the abuse that a member like Brown inflicted on his "loved ones". He cut a vile swath through life as a drug abuser, and serial wife beater. He was often forgiven because of his music, but never contrite. The lesson he seemed to learn was that as long as he was the "Hardest working Man in Show Businesss", he could also be the biggest asshole in any roomed he walked into.
I love the music. But the man? Good riddance.
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