Here's the final art for the Rick Rubin sketch I posted below. Man, this took a looooong time! I intended to use this as a promo postcard, but I'm not sure if I want to do work that's this involved. I like how it came out, though.
I looked at a lot of Van DerWeyden, Memling, and other Flemish masters while I worked on this. I also had the pleasure of listening to all the bands/artists while I worked, which added some inspiration. Even Justin Timberlake. Just don't tell anybody I did that.
If you're wondering, on the left there's the Dixie chicks, Jay Z, Neil Diamond, and Johnny Cash. On the right, it's Anthony Keidis and Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Beastie Boys, and Justin Timberlake. And that's a Slayer t-shirt Ricky's wearing.
This turned out Great Dale, nice piece! The B-Boys are really greay, I love how they're smooshing Mike-D's head. (Is that one Mike -D?)
Awesome work man!
Jason, you're very generous, thank you for the kind words.
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