Wednesday, March 21, 2007


This was supposed to be a cover for the Village Voice. Apparently it wasn't used. I like it though.

Getting killed is funny for me. I put a lot of time and energy into these pieces and I end up, well, caring about them. When they get killed like this I actually feel sorry for them. Not for me, but for the art. Is that weird or what?

Anyway, there's poor Mayor Bloomberg, underprepared for the effects of global warming on New York City.


Unknown said...

Nice job! Love the facial expression. I assume you still got paid for this??? How long did it roughly take you from sketch to final?

Dale Stephanos said...

Thanks Howard. It took about 8 hours from sketch to finish. The check's in the mail I think.

SEILER said...

That stinks, I know how that goes, not a great feeling, but we keep on going . . . it is frustrating when you put so much into something and it never sees print . . . it's an aborted illustration.