When "Borat" came out last fall, there was an uproar over the antisemitism, misogyny, and overall crude humor in the movie. I saw the movie, and I thought it was one of the funniest things I had ever seen. At times, I caught myself laughing when I probably shouldn't have been, but then I realized everyone else was in hysterics as well.
It got me thinking about where this kind of humor came from, and it didn't take too long for me to realize that guys like Mel Brooks, Henny Youngman, Don Rickles, and more familiar to me, Howard Stern had been doing this kind of material for years.
The common thread of course, is that they're all Jewish. The only thing that really separated Sacha Baron Cohen's "Borat" from these guys is that he employs a candid camera/punk'd format. We get to feel as though we're in on the joke, but at the same time, the joke's on us.
It's in this spirit that I thought to do an offensive sendup of a Madonna and child.
Dale, this is SOOOOO awesome!!! I love it. How did you get that old painting cracked look?
Hey Jason
Thanks for the kind words. I used crackle varnish - the kind you get at craft stores and use in 2 steps- and put in on a plain piece of illustration board. When both layers were dry and the cracks had formed, I took some raw umber and put it on a paper towel and just rubbed it all over the board. Then I got a little turpenoid and wiped it all off. What's left behind is the paint in the cracks, and just a little tone to the board. Then I scanned it, and used it as a layer - I think in multiply mode- and adjusted the opacity to about 30%. It's pretty quick, and you can use the texture over and over.
There, I told you a little secret, now you tell me. How the hell do you draw that well?!
That's such a great idea, I've used that stuff before . . really cool, I thought you went in there and painted all of that, I thought maybe you were insane! :) Your way is much smarter and better, I'll remember that one!
As for how I draw the way that I do? I'm not sure, I still feel like I'm learning . . . but I'll be sure to let you know when I find out.
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